street & sanitation department
The Street Division of the Public Works Department maintains 57.99 miles of paved roads, 12.12 miles of dirt roads along with sidewalks, stop and street signs. The Sanitation Division offers daily commercial sanitation services and residential service pick ups for garbage limbs and leaves once per week. White goods are picked up on Wednesdays.
With the transition to an automatic side lift, we need help in positioning the cart for proper pick-up. The cart should be placed beside the roadway with the handles/wheels facing the residence. The cart should be placed at least 2 feet away from mailbox, second cart, or any other object to allow the arms to reach out and around the container. We no longer collect any items that are placed outside of the city issued cart. We will empty carts that have been issued by the City of Adel only.
We pick up leaves and limbs every day in town. Our collection schedule varies from week to week. We do accept call-in’s per customers' request as needed for leaves and limbs at 229-896-4504.
We do not have a schedule to pick up landfill; it is per customers request as needed. If needed, the customer can take their own landfill items to the Cook County Landfill. The landfill is located 1006 MJ Taylor Rd, Adel, GA 31620. Their contact number is 229-896-2973. Hours are M-F 7:00am-4:30pm, Sat 7:00am-12:00pm.
Street & Sanitation
404 N Poplar Street Adel, GA 31620 229-896-2780 office 229-896-4016 fax 229-356-0761 cell Hours: M-F 8am-5pm |
To request or cancel services, please contact Adel City Hall @ 229-896-4504. |
To pay your bill, please visit Adel City Hall @ 112 N. Parrish Avenue or mail to PO Box 1530, Adel, GA 31620 or call 229-896-4504 to pay by phone with credit card (3% fee applies). |
To report a street or sanitation issue, please contact Adel City Hall @ 229-896-4504. |
The City of Adel Sanitation Department uses Highways 41 and 37 as the dividing areas:
Monday: Northeast Tuesday: Northwest Wednesday: Washington Post Area & Mitchell Trailer Park Thursday: Southeast Friday: Southwest |